
Unsere Ziele die wir mit unseren Projekten verfolgen, ist es Kindern die unter schwierigen Bedingungen leben (z. B. Straßenkinder in Indien, Waisenkinder in der Türkei), bildlich gesehen etwas „LICHT & HOFFNUNG“ in ihr Leben zu bringen.
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Zuwendung von Solarlampen und Ohropax an Straßenkinder

Zuwendung von Schulmaterialien an sozialschwachen Waisenkindern

Nearly 385 million children
are living in extreme poverty.

says joint World Bank Group – UNICEF study

"That is devastating to me!"

At Light-Up International we will do all we can to give them a better future. Children should never starve or not have a house to live in. Children deserve a worthy life with appropriate studies and comfort at home. This is the only way we can see a real future for our world.
Fabio Von Der Liebl

Designer, Art Director und Investor

Tasty Breakfast

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Birthdays & Events

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Fresh Coffee

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Our Sweets Collection

The best way to experience our wide collection of sweets is to visit the store. Follow the aromas and choose the most enticing sweets to satisfy your palate.

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